What is an elder label in the game wild west frontiere
What is an elder label in the game wild west frontiere

what is an elder label in the game wild west frontiere

Partially animated, somewhat balanced, at least for the central factions. Phantom - Ancient Egyptian Ghosts (sort of) Menagerie - Hodge-podge of units, mostly Sci-Fi inspired Primeval - Racist Olympian superhumans with odd coloration

what is an elder label in the game wild west frontiere

The extended version has more factions, but they are less balanced. the default Undead and default Loyalists Ukians - Human faction, offshoot of Loyalists but they have dogs Khthon - Animals under the control of some sort of puppet-masters-like spirits Despair - Medieval Euorpean Ghost faction Northern Orcs - an expansion of the mainline Orcs/Northerners Archaic Era The central factions of this era consist of:

What is an elder label in the game wild west frontiere